Wen Hao

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since Feb 03, 2010
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my lecturer announced she will give those who uses GUI some bonus mark..~
14 years ago
ok ..~ here is my course assignment :

A common memory matching game played by young children is to start with a deck of cards that contain identical pairs. For example, given a six cards in the deck, two might be labeled 1, two labeled 2, and two labeled 3. The cards are shuffled and placed face down on the table. A player then selects two cards that are face down, turns the face up, and if the cards match they are left face up. If the two cards do not match, they are returned to their original face down position. The game continues until all the cards are face up.

Write a program that plays the memory matching game. Use sixteen card that are laid out in a 4x4 square that are labeled with pairs of numbers from 1 to 8. Your program should allow the player to specify the cards that she would like to select through a coordinate system.
All of the cards that are face down are indicated by a *. The pairs of 8 which are face up are at coordinates (1,1) and (2,3). To hide the cards that have been temporarily places face up, output a large number of newlines to force the old board off the screen.

Hint: Use a 2D array for the arrangement of cards and another 2D array that indicates if a card is face up or down. Or, a more elegant solution is to create a single 2D array where each element is an object that stores both the card’s value and face. Write a function that “shuffles” the cards in the array.

i was advised that i can do it with JFrame , JPanel and JButton .

so , i have to create a JFrame for a window to display all the component , by using the JPanel with GridLayout to holds the JButton in the form im going to construct.
Is it like this..? I have zero experience on using Swing .
14 years ago
so we need to create a JFrame before we can use JPanel ..?
14 years ago
Can i know what is the difference between a JPanel and a JFrame ...?
Is JPanel can allows us to manipulate the LayoutManager..?
14 years ago
so JVM will automatically search for the "this" (any related stuff) to pass to the method.

we usually use "this" because we want to pass the reference to the current object into the method and the method has a parameter that accept object as argument ..?

14 years ago
here is the code :

14 years ago

this here is referring to the object where methodName is declared.

what about methodName(this) ..?
how to explain this ?
14 years ago