firoza limbada

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since Feb 19, 2010
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Recent posts by firoza limbada

I am using POI and creating a template for a report. the report is generated perfectly when I only have 1 level of collection i.e. a group of sales areas within a province.

I now need to drill down to a further level and have a collection of provinces...and within each province a collection of areas. eg. Prov 1 , with Area 11 , list of details for area 11, with Area 12 , list of details for area 12, Prov 2, with Area 21 , list of details for area 21, with Area 22 , list of details for area 22 and so forth

What I am getting is Prov 1 , Area 11, area 12, list of details for area 11 and 12, prov 1 , area 21, area 22 and so forth

I tried adding a further grouping


to the sub level


but then the report is 'missing' a whole lot of provinces.

Is there another way to do the sub-grouping usign a template or is the only way to create each cell individually ?

the template looks as follows:

Age Analysis Report


C-Code Planner Name Date Ended Current ${ProvVO.H1} ${ProvVO.H2} ${ProvVO.H3} ${ProvVO.H4} Total
${ProvList.sales.consultants.plannerCode} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.plannerFullName} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.dateEnded} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.current} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.thirtyDays} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.sixtyDays} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.ninetyDays} ${ProvList.sales.consultants.onetwentyDays} ${}

Planner Total ${ProvList.sales.currentTotal} ${ProvList.sales.H1total} ${ProvList.sales.H2total} ${ProvList.sales.H3total} ${ProvList.sales.H4total} ${}

Grand Total ${ProvVO.totalCurrent} ${ProvVO.totalH1} ${ProvVO.totalH2} ${ProvVO.totalH3} ${ProvVO.totalH4} ${}

11 years ago
unfortunately the /jsp/index.jsp url does not go through the same code so I have nothing to compare to

Is there a way to set a user specified actionhandler for the servlet? that way I cna control the action/state
line 471 of JadeGatewayServlet is

the state is null thus resulting in the nullpointerexception.

I am trying to figure out how the state gets set in DefaultActionHandler - or can be reset. The state is generally set in the actionHandler class.

any ideas on how to set th state?
When accessing the application via the /Base url the servlet throws the following exception

The servlet is defined on the web.xml file with url /SBFCBase. We are using ead4j, and as far as I can debug it is using the JADE_DEFAULT_ACTION_HANDLER_KEY and gets to the DefaultActionHandler.

Can you assist with what the default state/View Bean would be or where this needs to be set?

If I access the same application through the welcome page /jsp/index.jsp then there are no erros as the correct states/View Beans are accessed
I have found the problem - and it definitely behaves differently when used in a jsp page - which is why the html code did not show the same problem. Using a table tage directly within another table tag caused the additional space - but on the first instance only. The other 3 jspf includes had the same code - but no extra space was shown on the screen. Remove one of the table tags and the space goes away
I have attached a screen dump to illustrate the problem(will try emailing the attachment as I am struggling to attach it here). The html below is just an extract and in the full format does have header and body details. There is definotely a difference when the code is in a jsp page - I have tried the straight html to debug - but then the error doesnt occur. So this has me stumped as to why the jsp page would work differently

I have posted the html code below - unfortunately this way the problem is not apparent. Only when using the same code in a jsp page does the problem occur where the space for the first div is not released. Please let me know if more information is required in order to assist .

I have built a jsp page with 4 divs that start off collapsed. The first div is holding the space on the page even thought the style is initialised as style= display: none. The space is always held on the first div regardless of the order. The other 3 release the space correctly. Below is an extract from the jsp page

I have created a jsp page using table tags which works fine. When the user clicks a button to add a row, I am using Ajax to rebuild the table without refreshing the screen. Then I'm trying to use the doStartTag() and doEndTag() functions to repopulate the table on the screen. My first problem is that I am getting a Nullpointer exception when the doEndTag() is executing...the PrintWriter on the JSPWriter is do I set this ?

If I set this manually during debugging the error is not thrown...but the screen does not show the updated table. What else do I need to do to get the data to show:

14 years ago
I have managed to access the session variables as follows

However, I now get a null ponter exception when trying to execute the doEndTag() method as the JSPWriter out is null. If I set this manually during debug to PrintWriter it executes with no errors but the updated table is not displayed to the screen. Can you please tell me how to set the PrintWriter programmatically and what else I need to do to display the updated table data

14 years ago
I am trying to update a table that was initially populated on the jsp using table tags. We are using Ajax to do the data refresh but I am having trouble accessing the full table content in the ajax service class. I can't pass the table object using javascript unless I break the data down into a Javascript object. I have investigated using the DWRUtil.AddRow function but would need to recode what the table tag currently does which is not feasible. Can someone please assist by letting me know if I can access the pagecontext or session variables in the Ajax service class - I would then be able to pass the table object from the jsp in this way, and then resuse the table tags to rebuild the table
14 years ago