Lesya Kyrashchuk

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since Mar 19, 2010
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Hello all,

Let me tell you some good news.

Our community grows up. Currently, more than 200 software/web developers and above 3000 testers are using BetaEasy in order to improve their applications.

Nowaday we are developing a few useful updates. Particulary, mobile applications will be supported. You will be able to integrate BetaEasy button into your iPhone/Android application, submit bugs/suggestion and manage feedback with your mobile.

You are wellcome to test our feedback service for free and join our community.
13 years ago
Software beta testing can really be a pain at times. What matters is effective communication with potential users. They are the ones who will use the software, so their opinion matters.

How? With he the help of services like [u=http://www.betaeasy.com]BetaEasy[/u]. All it takes for you to get started is to get a piece of code and place it into your application. And you will able to easily manage your beta testers and communicate with them, have all users feedback collected in obe place.

You can easily integrate service with any software or web application, regardless of programming language. Hope you guys find it interesting
14 years ago