Nitesh Garg

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since May 14, 2010
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Hello All,

We are evaluating Drools for our production implementation with special focus on the fact that it would let less technical people be able to work effectively with business logic (once developers provide them with a data model). We are relatively new to Drools and our impression has not been too good specially around Guvnor (given that DRL is meant for developers and DSL is nothing but a simple extension for DRL which business analyst won't be able to use). Has anyone here used Guvnor or DSL effectively for a reasonable size implementation?

With Guvnor we are facing some issue which are very basic and Guvnor comes across as a immature web application from the UI perspective (Because of being less user friendly, incomplete messages for error situations etc). Also, its difficult to find help on some simple scenario like the following,

We have a "Customer" class and a "Agreement" class with one to many relationship. We are trying to build a simple rule that if an "Agreement" has missed payment (indicated by a boolean inside Agreement class), mark that "Customer" as bad customer by setting the boolean field inside the "Customer" class. Its a simple scenario to be build in DRL but how to we implement this under 'WHEN' and 'THEN' section in guided editor without using the DRL free forms?

Any thoughts or help in these matters will be really helpful. Also, if there are some helpful links around Drools that would help getting started with the implementation, that would be great!
Thanks in advance.
13 years ago