jyo thi

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since Jun 01, 2010
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Recent posts by jyo thi

Hi All,

Where do i change/modify the roles for the users in order to access the portlets manually ? not in the configuration of the portlet .from the homepage of the server

13 years ago
I have started on with the Portal Technologies . Now have just started to customise the portlets by downloading the war file from Liferay.com site using the plugins sdk enviroment .

I can customise the portlets and deploy on to the server .and get added on the homepage of the liferay server .

I am just not understandng what do i do with this ? I mean i will want the portlets to be add ed to someother site .what do i get by adding it on the server page .
13 years ago

Hi I haved created a portlet through plugins SDK and wanted to import that into the eclipse ,but it did not imported as it is ,

But after creating the portlet if i give " ant setup-eclipse " then the project get imported into the eclipse .i have searched for this almost 2 days then i found the solution ..

How do i know what all the commands i have in ant . like in the API i will have all the methods where i can see there and get on with my coding work ,how with ant ? how do i know wat all the commands i need to implement ?

13 years ago
Hi All ,
I have set up liferay with plugins SDK
and i can be able to create the portlets with it but can't i import that protlet into eclipse in order to customise it .
i m trying to do import that portlet into eclipse using the Existing projetcs into workspace but it is showing that no projets are found to import .

What do i do to customise the portlet in eclipse and deploy it again ?

13 years ago
Hi , I am new to Portal Technologies ,

I have downloaded LIferar5.2.3 from Liferay.com

how do i Configuring Eclipse IDE with Liferay Portal Server in Ubuntu(Linux) ?

can i get any link or the proceedure where i can get on with it .


13 years ago