gino pogi

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since Jul 22, 2010
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Recent posts by gino pogi

Rhys Emmerson wrote:What is the scope of delinkAndStatusUpdateBean and can we see the code for it?

Hi Rhys, the scope of delinkAndStatusUpdateBean is session. Here is what it basically contains:

I don't think it has anything to do with this though.. Appreciate your immediate help. Thanks!
13 years ago
I have a basic program on where I have a dropdown list, an input field and a command button.

I use a4j:support for the dropdown list cos I need the input field to be disabled if the user hasn't selected any values from the list.

At first if you click the command button repeatedly it will work but when you select a value in the dropdown list (w/c has a4j:support in it) and then click the command button it will still work at FIRST but then afterwards the command button just stops functioning. If I remove the a4j:support from the dropdown list the button will function correctly.

Hope you can help me for it's been bothering me for days. I'm not really that good in richfaces, not really sure if I'm missing some other components for this to work. Thanks!

13 years ago