Olciap Berge

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since Sep 03, 2010
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Recent posts by Olciap Berge


I am looking for some informations about events in struts2. There is nothing about this in struts doc. My question is:
Is there something like value change events/listeners (like in jsf) in struts?

For example:
I have a form with countries to choose and a post code. The form of post code depends on country choosen by user, So, post codes form should be change, when user choose another country.
How can i solve it?
13 years ago
Hi, I would like to have a table with editable cells, but it seems that method setItemName is never execud:

Why is it happening and how can i solve it?
13 years ago
I am using default theme (xhtml).

The code:

generates always a table, so that each submit button is in another line. How can i change it?(simple theme cannot be used)
13 years ago
ah, of course, i have overlooked '#'. Thanks:)!
13 years ago
I inserted sidebar.jsp to each side by using tiles.

I would like to show a link to login page, when user is not logged in, and link to logout when he is.
But it's not working, when the action class connected with body doesn't implement SessionAware.


I don't now what should i do with this problem. I guess, just adding SessionAware to each Action class would be bad solution (?).
13 years ago
Is there a way to render some form or link only when some condition is fulfilled?
I mean by using something like tag property, like it was solved in JSF (for example <form id=".." ... renter="here condition">)
13 years ago