B Stapleton

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since Sep 07, 2010
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Update: As of Java 7, you can declare binary numbers with this syntax:

11 years ago

Security risk of someone is able to grab the jsp before it processed

I've heard people mention this, but I've never found out how to do it. I'd like to do a demo for my company to show them why JSPs outside of the WEB-INF folder is a security risk.
Do you know how to do this?
11 years ago

and I put the javascript in the page

Does this mean that you included the /dwr/engine.js and /dwr/interface/Remote.js files?
If so, try going to your DWR test page (webappRootUrl/dwr) to see if it has created the Remote.js file.
Look to see if the Remote.js file that was created contains a function named "log" which takes two parameters. If not, you may need to add an <include> tag to your dwr.xml

I'm not a super proficient DWR user, but I've tinkered with it a bit. Paste your whole Java class, dwr.xml and html page and I can try and run it/debug it.