Sophia Dever

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since Sep 18, 2010
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Recent posts by Sophia Dever

It's working!

After some more research, I realized I needed to import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener and javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent, and implement ListSelectionListener.

A final Thank You to everyone for their help--I hope to figure out some more about using Java forums over time.
13 years ago
But the original program didn't have a main method--it was a class used in another program.

Should I put in a main method anyway? Or is it possible that that was affecting/causing the error?
13 years ago
You're right about the subject line. Sorry, I always get the JScrollPane and the JList confused.

Here is the full test program:

Obviously in a full program this would include adding the list to the frame and displaying, but this is the relevant code.

All I want is to be informed when someone clicks on one of the options.

Thanks for bearing with me!
13 years ago
I'm trying to register to get events from a JList The JList itself works fine; after defining "racelist", I say:

When I compile, it gives me the following error: addListSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener) in javax.swing.JList cannot be applied to (test)
1 error

So is that not the right way? It's what Head First Java says to do.

(Edited because of confusion between JList and JScrollPane.)
13 years ago