Tejas Anand Gokhale

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since Sep 21, 2010
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Recent posts by Tejas Anand Gokhale

I am doing JEditorPane pane = new JEditorPane("text/html",sHtml); where sHtml is a dynamically generated string.

sHtml has <img> tags in it which have URLs where the images have to be picked from.

I then do pane.repaint();Thread.sleep(300); several times.

Then I get an image out of pane and write it to a file.

Problem: The images within the HTML are displayed only some of the times. Whether an image will be displayed or not is not regular. Sometimes the images are sometimes not. At other times only some of them are displayed. What exactly can be the issue? And how to fix it?
12 years ago
I am migrating a simple web app from websphere 6 to 7, with a front controller servlet which renders the output through an xsl.
I am using org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl to tranform the XSL.
I have configured path of working directory for the server where the XSLs exist. But I am getting error saying XSL not found during tranformation at line:

tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource( new File(xslFileName)));

this was not the case for websphere 6. What is the problem. Help!!!
13 years ago