Mark Dragan

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since Sep 28, 2010
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Recent posts by Mark Dragan

Thanks, I have downloaded myFaces but I cannot see the way to include them into xhtml project,
when I set xmlns:t="" I only get inputhtml component, but when I create another jsp page inside same project I can all components inside that page, any reason for that.
13 years ago
Thanks for reply can you post me some link regarding how is that done with myFaces input file control.
13 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have question regarding uploading file, I'm using Jsf 2.0 and xhtml and I must provide user to create Pdf and in that Pdf to insert image, so I found the contol input and I'm
wondering when user selects image from the comp. the path is displayed in textbox of input control but how can I get that path in my Bean.
13 years ago
I found solution if anyone needs it:

ExternalContext context=FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
String s=context.getRealPath("MenusPdf/");
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(s+"/hello.pdf"));

First I get external context and then I get real path to folder where I want to save my pdf file and then write it.
13 years ago
Hi everybody,
I have question regarding the relative path, in my application I'm using itext jar and user can create Pdf and question is how can I store it to the folder Pdf that is under the
Web Pages folder. I try using new FileOutputStream("/Pdf/hello.pdf") but nothing happens.
Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Hi, thanks for reply but I'm using xhtml and when I use <br> tag inside output text I get error: You cannot use < tag inside... but I found solutio and this is it if someone needs <br />
13 years ago
Thanks for reply but the problem stays, do you know how can add new line in h:outputText, I'm using xhtml and I have to get the text from the database, text contains \n sign for new line but I can't write it to h:outputText.
13 years ago
Hi, this is code:
<h:panelGrid binding="#{backingBean.grid}" rendered="false" >
<p:dataTable value="#{}" binding="#{backingBean.datable}" var="car"
paginator="true" rows="10" paginatorAlwaysVisible="false"
paginatorTemplate=" {PageLinks} {RowsPerPageDropdown}"
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="CAR"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{}"></h:outputText>
When use click on some button I set panelGrid rendered=true and datable inside panel grid lose its css, for example there is no more paginator, there are no more gridlines.
Thanks for help
13 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have problem with primafaces control: I placed datatable inside panel that has property rendered set to false and according to user action panel rendered is set to true
and the problem is that the datable inside panel won't show pagination???
Thanks in advance
13 years ago
Hi Ilari,
thank you very much for your quick reply, I'm using JSF 2.0 and this is exactyly what I needed.
13 years ago
Hi everyone, I have question regarding how to access control from manged bean.While I was working in Asp.Net, when user clicked on some button I would show him another control, so my question is how I can from managed bean acess to specific control and adjust it's css so it would have attribute hidden or visible, for example if user click on button1 I want to show him button2.
Thanks in advance
13 years ago
Hi, Brendan thank you very much for reply, it will be helpful in the future.
13 years ago
Hi Brendan thanks for reply I'm using version 2.2, but I changed my pages from jsp to xhtml and css works now.
13 years ago
Hi everyone,
I got some question regarding primefaces datable.I downloaded jar from the net and included it into my project(I'm using jsp pages) and when I use it in my project data are shown but I'm not sure how can I included css that comes with components.If someone csn post me a peace of code that does that I would be greatful.
Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Hi Pamungkas,
thanks for reply I downloaded and starting to use it.
13 years ago