M Krishna

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since Oct 07, 2010
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Recent posts by M Krishna

Hi All,
I am new to EJB. I am required to make a remote lookup an EJB bean from a servlet in my project.
Can anyone kindly guide me to a sample application on the web or provide me sample code to do that.
I am using Jboss 5.0 for EJB and Servlet. They both reside on different servers.

Thanks in advace.
Hi all Ranchers,
I am new to EJB3 and I need to call an EJB3 session bean deployed in JBOSS from a servlet which is deployed on other JBOSS.
EJB3 is deployed as one application in JBOSS1 and servlet is deployed as other application in JBOSS2.
Can anyone kindly provide me some sample code to do that or point me to a resource which explains how to do that.

Thanks in advance.