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Hi Deekasha,
The traditional web pages that contain pages and pages of readable material can be considered as HTML. They are static for all practical purposes, That is, the remain that way for whoever wishes to view them unless & until somebody chages the file itself.
DHTML as the name implies, is Dynamic. Content is generated dynamically when the browser requests for it. This adds a lot of spice to web pages that static pages cannot.

While HTML & DHTML are all about how data is displayed on your browser, XML is all about the data itself. Its focus is content rather than presentation.
Hope the above helps.

Originally posted by deekasha gunwant:
can any body please tell the difference between HTML,DHTML and XML

I must say this is really a great way to liven up this part of the saloon. The programmer certification and other java parts get most of the attention.
Great job folks !!!

Hi Deepak,
Follow this URL to know about IBM's e-biz certification.
And yes, u can take it in India. Herez a list of testing centers:

Hope this helps.
Hi Adora !
I really don't understand what u mean by "marketing". As for documentation, if u mean javadocs - no, there were no questions on that !!
Thank you for your wishes folks !!
As u may know B2B is Business-to-Business. This literally means communication and exchange of valuable data between business. Now, where does XML come in? XML as it's name suggests, is "Extensible". What this means is that You and I can agree upon a format (tags) to communicate with each other. We can thus share data in a format that is understood by both of us. However, we may be using entirely different databases, servers, back ends or whatever.
Furthermore, if later, a third person wants to share data with us, and have access to our data (only if we allow it, of course ), then all he has to do is conform to our format (tags).
XML will NOT replace databases. It will only supplement them be giving them powerful capabilities. You may be using Oracle and I may be using DB2....but if both these databases support (and they do)..we can exchange data without any interface problems using XML.
Hope this helped clarify something.
Folks !!!
I just passed the SCJP with 98 %. Thought I'll share the good news with u people as soon as possible since I got so much help from this site. My score was a record at the testing center where I took it !!!
All my credit goes to RHE and Marcus Green. Great job Marcus !! Your site is just great ! Apart from these I took a few mock testes. But I didn't take them for the scores at all. Just to learn about new (kinds) of questions.
I gave the JLS a shot but thought it was too much for the exam at the last minute. Maybe one should start with it well in advance.
So, a big relief now !! Am planning to go for IBM's e-business certification next.
Again, thanx to everybody who answered my questions and gave useful tips.
I'll be around to see if I can be of any help to you all.

Happy Jiving.
Thanx guys ! I now understand !
I should've looked up the API !
Native methods do require a return type.
Consider the following code:
String s = "HELLO";
System.out.println(s == s.toUpperCase());
I thought toUpperCase() will return a NEW object and so the output will be false. But the output is true !!
Can someone please explain !!
Any news about a change in the exam question types or objectives??
There are all kinds of rumors going around. Where can I get authentic information.
Somebody please help.
Whatz the answer to this? Somebody help !
15) With respect to User and Daemon threads:
a) Daemon threads can not be destroyed

b) Running User threads prevent a JVM from terminating program

c) Running Daemon threads prevent a Java VM from terminating program

d) Daemon threads can not be grouped together

e) The JVM can terminate program when only daemon threads are running

yes, it is valid...lookup the API documentation for System class and you will find the member "in" declared as a static final instance of InputStream.
URL not working !
Hi !
Are string literals garbage collected - or do they stay in the literal pool till the end of the program ?