Christian Mueller

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since Nov 27, 2010
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Recent posts by Christian Mueller

OK, I will reflect on that model and try to find the best suitable solution.

Dinesh, I do think that we have to model ALL requirements, use cases or not. It's only a matter of details. The use cases should be modeled more detailed than other requirements.
Hello Jeanne,

thank you very much.

Sorry, I was just thinking about the application flexibility and I couldn't really understand why we need an extra class for the same purpose.
Hello Ranchers,

I read this assigment a couple of times, than some comments in this forum but I'm still confused.

I would change the Product->House relationship to inheritance and I'm not so sure if I'm allowed to do that, well, changing BDM is something you should not do, as I remember.

What do you think about that?

Thank you.