Aran King

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since Dec 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Aran King

I am using an Access database for an application and I am wanting to make it as easy to set up on a windows machine as possible
Is there any way to set up a data source for a database using code instead of having to go to control panel and set it up manually.
any pointers much appreciated
Thanks Aran
Thanks Guys thats great should have guessed
22 years ago
I want to find the filenames of all the files in a directory and store as Strings. Could l have some pointers as to what API's l would use to:
choose a directory
find the filenames.
Thanks Aran
22 years ago
l have been trying to work out how to retrieve the id/name of a
object from within a method that the object has called
Eg: Object is constructed within main()
<code>userObject FredBloggs; </code>
Then later a call is made to
From within the withdraw method l wish to identify the object id
ie: "FredBloggs". l have tryed to identify it using
<code>printStackTrace()</code> but this only gives the class FredBloggs
belongs to ie: "userObject" and were the call is made from
within main().
Is there any way l can retrieve this information
Thanks Aran

22 years ago