David Hulse

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since Apr 09, 2011
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Mac MySQL Database PHP
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Recent posts by David Hulse

Yeah. I'm looking into Computer Science Degrees. I took a few classes at my local university and then (once I noticed that they were making the undergrad courses into easy A's) I found out that our program isn't even accredited. Not that you can't be successful without an accredited degree program, but I need to have that confidence in my instructors. I also need people that I can trust aren't going to push me to get a Master's Degree just to learn what actually goes on in the real world. We weren't required to do a single case study from our book. Luckily, I was insightful enough to take the time to do them myself. It would have been nice to get CREDIT for my extra work though. And to see it criticized and graded.
12 years ago
I didn't try to apply. Right now I can just tell that I'm not ready. I'm looking at Java Docs reading about Sockets and Client programming. I have the methods I need to execute SQL statements in java and I can see the relationship between the database, the server, and the client. I think what I might be missing is a broad knowledge of mathematical concepts.
12 years ago
Well I like math. I like solving problems. I'm not very good at art or design so I need something where I can just worry about the way it works. I want to work with web sites and web applications. The problem is that I don't really know what it's like to do any of the jobs I hear about. I have designed a few websites. Two which I was paid for and one volunteer. HTML, CSS, and some basic Javascripting. A php site I have been building on my own computer can connect to my database and allow users to login and upload images to my hard drive.

Odesk.com is a very cool suggestion. I like their online skills test offering.
12 years ago
Well I have taken a few courses and read a few books. I have a very basic understanding of the computer and how it works. I'm nowhere near good enough to be working with kernel programming or serial ports or anything like that. The program I was attending was not accredited so I quit and I'm currently working to save up for a transfer. I feel like I may have just been wasting my time and I really will never be anything. I managed to program a snake game with 360 degree motion in java... I have made a few websites outside of class... I am reading about PHP and Javascript and MySQL. I mess around with my router and have an apache server, a mysql server, and a Red5 media server I like to mess with. I understand the basics of IPs and networking. I just lack direction and a knowledge of real world applications.
12 years ago
I would like to work in web development but I do not want to pursue it in the wrong way and be a failure. Where is the best place to start and what is essential? I'm thinking Database Administration or PHP Development.

Hardware Classes?
Math Classes?

I get so worked up. Sometimes I feel like I need to be a Hardware Engineer to do anything with computers at all.
12 years ago
well.. right now the numbers aren't really random.. they're just different.
13 years ago
Actually it's not.. but I think you can figure out the rest. Your counter is what's being printed instead of the number that was generated.
13 years ago
That last one.. sorry if I confused you. That one is the one.
13 years ago

13 years ago
if this one is working why not just use a double nested for loop?
The way you did it with that array was kind of shotty too.. because you can't use the number 35 in the index.. so it's not really doing what you expected. array indexes are from 0-34 so you need to make them refer to a number higher.
13 years ago
Well, you're right. That certainly is a class. Take a look at constructors. Do remember the assignment having anything to do with the creation of a Powerball object? then you could either run it 7 times in your main method or you could write a method into your powerball object that would allow you to return the result of consequent calls. Then you could print those results with system.out
13 years ago
initialize the password string to ""

String password = "";

then in the for each loop instead of password = do password += this will add each char to the string.
13 years ago
ArrayList<Object> arraylistName = new ArrayList<String>();

that's how you create a new ArrayList. So it's somewhat different than an array. The best thing about ArrayLists is that they don't have to have a set capacity from initialization.

Then you call your arraylist like this

arrayListName.get(indexofwhatyouwanttoget); <-- this part is just like an array indexes start at 0.

arrayListName.size(); will return the size of the list

Do you have Netbeans?
13 years ago
you also might want to take out the firstName variable initialization because it doesn't have a corresponding prompt for the user and it seems repetitive.
13 years ago
I don't know what kind of software you've got but this works for me on a Mac with the bash terminal java -jar <jar name>
13 years ago