Subash Kshetri

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since May 18, 2011
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Recent posts by Subash Kshetri

I have been trying to convert my jar into exe file and i tried a lot of different tools for this and the tool asks for main class and i give my class with main function's name but some how after building the exe the file throws no class found error on launch...what am i missing or doing wrong here...

Thank you in advance
12 years ago
Thank you joanne, I'll post if i have any more questions.
12 years ago
I couldn't figure out in which forum to post this question so i posted it here...
can anyone explain me about MVC architecture in detail with a example...i know what those M V Cs are and know about the definitions given on the internet but i was puzzled by an interviewer on this any help would be really appreciated and any suggestions regarding preparing for an inteview on JSF framework.
Thank you in advance.
12 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am facing a interview for one year experienced java programmer and the post needs to have basic knowledge of JSF so can you guys please advice me what areas to cover for being ready for basic JSF knowledge interview.
12 years ago
Can anyone please clarify the differences between j2ee j2me j2se (not only full forms)
12 years ago
Thank you for your reply and I am sorry that I did not post it in the correct forum and can you please explain it to me a little bit.
12 years ago
Can anyone please clarify the differences between j2ee j2me j2se (not only full forms)
12 years ago

I am having a problem in a java crawler that i have been using, I have a method for posting data so that i can get content of pages which require user to post necessary information to get through them and this method works fine with sites whose content type are "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The method is

but for some sites whose content type is "multipart/form-data" the posting data has a different format than usual, the format is

and the above method doesn't works and i have been trying all possible methods found on google but all were in vain
so can anyone please suggest me any working way

Thank you in advance
12 years ago
I want to know how can i display all added digital certificates because i am getting

" PKIX path validation failed: basic constraints check failed: pathLenConstraint violated - this cert must be the last cert in the certification path " error frequently in my web crawler .

Thank you in advance.
I want to know how can i display all added digital certificates because i am getting

" PKIX path validation failed: basic constraints check failed: pathLenConstraint violated - this cert must be the last cert in the certification path " error frequently in my web crawler .

Thank you in advance.
I want to know how can i display all added digital certificates because i am getting

" PKIX path validation failed: basic constraints check failed: pathLenConstraint violated - this cert must be the last cert in the certification path " error frequently in my web crawler.

Thank you in advance.
Bear Bibeault is right, you can pass those parameters from your jsp page to a servlet and redirect to another jsp page from that servlet.
12 years ago
Thank you Paul for helping me but i don't have the exact information about the production server database and have requested those and so i can't figure out what to do unless i get the details of the database and the constraints of the column. Thank you again.