weiming wu

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since Aug 11, 2011
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I have upload my assignment in Aug 3 2011. I got my assignment in Mar 2009. The instruction document ask me to complete it in one year deadline.
So I need to finish it and upload it in Mar 2010. But few weeks ago. I send a email to Oracle certify team . they give me a free voucher. this voucher let you have the right to upload the assignment to the new Pearson Vue certification system. I think the Oracle want to clean all the older Sun Issued assignment. And in this period of changing certification center from Prometric to Pearson Vue. It is not easy to track your assignment record. SO anyone like me have past the one year deadline about the old Sun assignment . You can try to get a free voucher to get the upload right . that's my case. before you send the email to the oracle certify team. please tell them when you download the assignment(they may not accept the too old assignment before 2008,so you must ask them first) . they will ask you to send them the assignment purchase confirmation details received from Prometric. If they accept you request . you will get a free voucher and you can upload your assignment now even you have past the one year deadline
Good luck every body

(the oracle certify team email:<developer-submit_US@oracle.com>)

wrote in Aug 12 2011 by weiming.