Rukhshanda israr

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Cricket Companion now available on Blackberry App Store

Cricket Companion, a cricket scores and statistics application for mobile phones that is the premier choice of cricket fans around the world , is now available on the Blackberry app store.
Cricket Companion has been the premier choice of cricket fans around the world when it comes to getting the cricket experience on the palm of one’s hand. What makes Cricket Companion stand out from amongst the rest of the crowd is not just its catchy and appealing as well as user friendly interface but the detailed and in-depth source of information. It is for everything related to cricket. With downloads close to 7 million globally and everyday more downloads adding on to the tally in thousands, Cricket Companion is a ‘numero uno’ in cricket related mobile applications.

The cricket world cup played in March 2011 set new records for Cricket Companion with the application registering 635,873 downloads during the 43 day tournament. The app registered 194,205,311 page views with 9,381,386 visits that broke all previous viewership records.

The Cricket Companion launch at the Blackberry app stores follows its recent launch at the Apple IStore. The application is currently available as a free offering although it provides unmatched details and coverage on the game of cricket as compared to similar apps from other vendors.
On the Blackberry platform the app currently supports most Blackberry handsets, however, touch screen handsets are missing from the support list. The developers are working on the latest version of the app that would also add support of Blackberry Touch handsets. A Blackberry Playbook version is also expected to release in September.

Some of the features released in the app are:

•Ball by Ball coverage of all international cricket matches
•Detailed Scorecards , Player Profiles , Graphs and other Statistical information on the game
•Textual match commentary and match highlights
•Latest news, features, opinion posts and blogs from the world of cricket
•‘Cricket Genius Competition’ native only to Cricket Companion; with the users vying for a chance to win an assortment of prizes for having the most points
•Custom set-up of Alerts/Notifications, via sound or vibration, for boundaries and wickets

The app can be downloaded for Blackberry devices at:

12 years ago