Orlando Becerra

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since Aug 30, 2011
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I am among the elite 1% of certified Java professionals who have gone on to achieve the Oracle Certified Master, Java SE6 Developer certification, ...

Thanks for the help provided here ,,,

I download the assignment in early November 2010, I had not worked on the assignment ( ) until August 23 when reviewing this site and I noticed the line of death,, ,, ooops, I began to work hard, and take the test on 27 September ...
October 13 I received the email with the results , and to celebrate is to say,, ,

Pearson VUE Today saw the report and I have 383/400 ...

My English is not very good and in the written test I put the answers in English and Spanish ,,,

I work with RMI and in total about 3000 lines of code and 3000 lines of documentation ...

Congratulations for this site so friendly for developers and productive people


Roberto / Roil a question with respect to JavaOne Sao Paulo,,

I'm from Venezuela, relatively close to Brazil, I love to go to JavaOne in Sao Paulo in December, but not know about anything or anyone there. Do you know of any one group that can be placed in contact to not get lost?
12 years ago