Nils Quairiat

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since Sep 22, 2011
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Recent posts by Nils Quairiat


does anyone know if there exists (for WC7 latest feature pack) an out-of-the-box way to call SOLR in order to filter results with multiple facets at once ?
I can filter on one facet, then on another additional one and so on, but this requires a new service call everytime a new facet is added for filtering.
Example : with the

I can easily add a facet filter, but not a list of facets filters at once.

There exists a "advancedFacetList" parameter, but here is what I found out about it :

I made some testing with the advanced search form provided by the Madisons starter store.

In this form (and the corresponding wcf:getData call defined in SearchSetup.jspf), there are, notably, the following fields :

If for example you use "Fedex" as manufacturer, "10" as minprice and "20" as maxprice, the following fields are filled like this :

- manufacturer : Fedex
- minPrice : 10
- maxPrice : 10
- advancedFacetList : mfName_ntk_cs:Fedex;price_EUR:10 20;

If I manually remove the values in the "manufacturer","minPrice" and "maxPrice" fields, but keep the "advancedFacetList" with the correct values, no filter is applied.

Therefore, one could ask : What is the goal of the "advancedFacetList" ? Can it really be used for filtering ?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

11 years ago
So to clarify the issue, here is a simple example :

Once the page is hit, the Java code that corresponds to the "myTag" tag goes into the data base and find out that the result becomes :

where anotherTag also fetches content in database, could find out that its body should be yet another tag etc..

==> the "test:anotherTag" cannot be rendered correctly because when the JSP was compiled, the tag was not present on it. On some page hits, it would not be "anotherTag" that would be the body of the "myTag", but for example "yetAnotherDifferentTag"'.

12 years ago
The problem is that if the body of a tag is empty at first (and compiled like this, AKA translated into a servlet like this), and if, once the request is sent, the java code that corresponds to the tag finds out, after accessing the database, that the body of the tag should be another custom tag, that other custom tag cannot be rendered correctly since the JSP has already been compiled before.. Is there any common solution for this issue ? Or a less common solution ? That other custom tag could very well have to access the database as well and find out that its own body should be another custom tag, and so on.
12 years ago

I'm struggling with the following issue :

I have a custom tag that has no body at all. I'm trying to replace the empty body with, for simplicity's sake, "[<c:out value="SUCCESS!"/>]". The goal is to see "[SUCCESS!]" displayed by the JSP which uses the tag, but all I see is "[]" and if I look at the generated source code, I can see that the <c:out statement is written on the page between the brackets, but not interpreted.

Is there a common way to achieve this ? The final goal will be to use other custom tags instead of the "<c:out" tag. The content will come from a database.
I tried different techniques with SimpleTagSupport and BodyTagSupport but none of those were successfull. I'm not sure if it is technically possible to do it, but then how should this be done ?

Thanks for any info.

Best regards,

12 years ago
Problem solved ! The solution was to put the custom filter AFTER all the WebsphereCommerce-related filters in web.xml
12 years ago

I'm working on a project using Websphere Commerce v7.0 and I'm currently blocked on the following issue.

We use a CMS to store url's in a database. Some data is stored in regards to each of those url's. When the user enters an URL in the browser, we want to check if that url is stored in our database, and if it is the case, add some data to the request, and then forward to a particular view which is mapped in struts-config-ext.xml. If nothing is found in database, just do nothing (let websphere commerce handle the request as usual, instead of using a specific Struts mapping)

Unfortunately, I cannot reach the specific struts entry programmatically (due to a Java error). Here is what I did. I can add more code if necessary.

- I added a java filter in web.xml (the very first filter, mapped on "/*" )
- I implemented the filter, which uses access beans to make checks on the database, and adds attributes to the request if something is found. No problem until now
- I tried a few ways to dispatch the request to the right Struts entry, notably :

But this leads to a NullPointerException.

If we try to access the specific Struts entry by typing it in the URL, then it works (but that's not the goal)

Here is the full stacktrace :

Can anyone help ?

Thanks alot,

12 years ago