Jessie Kensinger

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since Sep 27, 2011
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Recent posts by Jessie Kensinger

Has anyone out there seen this warning and figured out how to resolve it? If so, could you please post how... Otherwise, I am posting this as informational in case anyone else out there might be curious.

warning: The apt tool and its associated API are planned to be removed in the next major JDK release. These features have been superseded by javac and the standardized annotation processing API, javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model. Users are recommended to migrate to the annotation processing features of javac; see the javac man page for more information.


I am building a project with Ant inside netbeans on a linux system. Inside my build.xml, I have the following:
<target name="-pre-compile">
<taskdef name="schemagen" classname="">
<fileset dir="/usr/local/netbeans-7.0.1/ide/modules/ext/jaxb" includes="*.jar" />
<echo message= "Generating schemas..." />
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/schemas" />
<schemagen destdir="${build.dir}/schemas">
<src path="${src.dir}" />
<schema file="Group.xsd" />

What this target does is build an XML schema from a plain old java class (i.e. POJO). The XSD file gets created successfully, however the process appears to use code that has been depreciated and hence the warning being generated. The best evidence I could find for this is:
As the article seems to imply, it is a warning I will simply have to suffer with until Java 8... however... I thought Id post here and see if someone has an idea on how I should make it go away.
11 years ago and java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException

looks to me like NoSuchFileException is new to java 7?

by looking at the documentation, it seems to me like FileNotFoundException alludes to failure to open a file, where NoSuchFileException could be applied in more general circumstances.

for people who are "lazy" and like to re-use built in exceptions, any thoughts or feelings as too why one would switch to using NoSuchFileException?

i am a bit confused why there couldnt just be one "file was not found exception" in the language...
12 years ago
The phone I posted above number seems to have worked for me. Apparently there is a possibility you can submit using a voucher number if your first submission didnt get uploaded (as was the case with me where it wouldnt let me finish the test and marked it as "taken" even though i hadnt submitted my assignment yet
... but you have to call the number and work with them to figure everything out...
I also just tried calling the number again. The first time they gave me an IT department email... now they are claiming I need a voucher number... but all I have is whats printed on my receipt which is an order number and appointment number. I am not sure how this voucher number even helps me get my completed assignment uploaded... but the guy representing Pearson Vue seems fixated on it.
Ok, thank you for posting that... I am trying it (I did get at least an automated response back from it).

I think read this similar thread awhile back and thought to myself... "GEE! I hope that doesnt happen to me!"... unfortunately I would rather risk missing a deadline then rushing to turn an assignment which isnt worthy.

The number of Pearson Vue that I got from their website was 1(866)294-1616, also posted in the mentioned thread.

As for your question... maybe I will chime in on this later on if I become more calm and rational.
Apparently I am not the only one having this problem. Phone number for Pearson Vue is 1(866)294-1616
I have been working on my OCJD assignment, I am one of the "poor saps" who has to race to meet Oracle's October 1st OCJD requirements change. Around 4am last night (September 27, 2011), I finally created the jar file needed to submit my assignment and schedule my exam. When I went on to the Pearson Vue website and clicked the link to continue my "test in progress" I was told that my test had expired and that I should call a help desk number for further support. I was too stupid to write down the number because I was panicking. FYI, I started the assignment on August 10th 2011 so there was no way the test could have expired for time reasons. When I called Pearson Vue this morning they basically acted surprised, put me on hold forever to "talk to their supervisor", tried to convince me I had already submitted the assignment, and finally gave me a helpdesk email with which to forward the only scrap of evidence I have.

I am posting here because I would like to know: what you would do in this situation? Would you consider going to a lawyer if Oracle/Pearson forced you to miss your deadline? Is the certification even worth fighting for considering how Oracle has been running sinking the java boat?

Waiting to the last minute may be undesirable and not recommended, but it is still Oracle/Pearsons responsibility to provide a testing system that works... and for that, they fail.

I have already contact the following people, but I am not getting a timely response (relative the fact that I am about to miss the deadline for a problem that I did not create):,,

The small scrap of evidence I have is a PDF I pulled off of the Pearson Vue system claiming I had submitted the assignment. The PDF actually contains some sort of error code:
Server Error in '/ITDVersions/' Application.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.