Ciri Bhoy

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since Oct 20, 2011
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Recent posts by Ciri Bhoy

Thanks for your advice P Wang, I've had a look at Core JSF and I think I'll start there.

I'm living in Ireland.

Thanks again.
Hi Roger,

I have seen these, but there's no suggested reading material except for the Oracle training course. I suppose what I'm really looking for is one book that will cover the content of the exam, much as existed for OCJP & OCWCD.

Thanks for the heads up on PrimeFaces, I'll be sure to take a look.

Thanks again,
Hi all,

I'm considering going for the JSF cert (the price is right!!), but I'm really unsure as to where to begin with my studying and also in regard to the exam content...there isn't a lot of info regarding these issues.

I was hoping someone could suggest a book/tutorial that would set me on the right course.

Also I would appreciate any advice on whether or not this is something that I should be considering at all or would I be better off pursuing another path?


I'm currently unemployed but have attained both the OCJP & OCWCD

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hi all,

I'm writing a small app that reads in an XML file from a website as an inputstream, but I want to parse this inputstream in order to display only certain results contained as follows:.

<td class="first">

<img id="ctl00_Content_ctl00_rptInfo_ctl16_Image2" alt="Inactive" src="../../images/t2.jpg" style="border-width:0px;" />
<td >
Aer Lingus
12 Mar 21:50
<td class="last">
Arrived 21:39

<td class="first">
<img id="ctl00_Content_ctl00_rptInfo_ctl17_Image1" alt="Active" src="../../images/t1.jpg" style="border-width:0px;" />

<td >

I'm currently doing this by reading in each line and pulling out the relevant data using readLine() and it's working fine.....problem is, this seems far too easy. It's only a small project so performance isn't really an issue, I'm again just looking for the 'right' way of doing it....or a few 'right' ways. I hope I'm making myself clear enough, I'm afraid I'm not too well up on the jargon yet.

Any advice is very welcome and appreciated.
11 years ago
thanks again fellas, it's great to get a few ideas to try out.
11 years ago
Thanks a million Tony, much appreciated.
11 years ago
Thanks Jeff, despite my best attempts to muddy the waters you answered my question for me.

Typically my app will startup, read one word and shut down again, so I think the second approach best suits what I'm trying to do.

In regards to designing a class and using serialization, I think this was just something I 'wanted' to do more than something I 'should' do, as I
said, this project is only to gain a little coding experience, so I'll probably implement it in a few different ways, but it's good to get ideas as to the
most appropriate methods.

Thanks again.
11 years ago
Hi all,

I'm working on a project where I have to search for word synonyms in a large thesaurus file, in the form of:

bobcat, cheetah, cougar, grimalkin, jaguar, kitten,
kitty, leopard, lion, lynx, malkin, mouser, ocelot,
panther, puma, puss, pussy, tabby, tiger, tom, tomcat

bitch, bowwow, cur, doggy, fido, flea bag, hound,
man's best friend, mongrel, mutt, pooch, pup, puppy,
stray, tail-wagger, tyke

At the moment I'm just searching the file using a Scanner and that works fine, albeit slightly slow. I'm just
wondering if anyone could suggest a more efficient method. Would creating 'word' objects containing their
corresponding values be a good option?? should I use serialization???

This is a small project that I'm working on just to gain some experience so I have complete freedom in my
implementation method and all suggestions are very welcome. I'm just hoping for a few pointers really.

Thanks in advance
11 years ago
thanks Maneesh, you are wise indeed

I had a couple of little projects in my head, but not really the inkling to do anything about them.. until now. I've already gotten started, guess I just needed a little 'shove' in the right direction .

thanks again for the advice.
11 years ago
Hi all,
I recently passed the ocewcd exam and am looking for work at the moment...I've had a couple of interviews which have been quite positive, but my feeling is there are doubts about my lack of experience (understandable as all i have is a placement year from college several years ago). I'd like to try helping out on an open-source project and would really appreciate it if anybody could please point me in the direction of one that would be suitable for me.
11 years ago
Thanks Bear, I appreciate your input. I'm not so much looking to cram in order to be able to answer any in-depth questions, I don't think it's going to be that type of interview, it's a very junior position that I'm applying for where I'll receive training for 2 months. I just want to be in a position where if I'm asked about certain technologys that I should be aware of, that I'm able to talk a little about it and not get the 'deer in the headlights' look on my face. I have been looking a bit into security issues and will continue to do so. Thanks again for the pointers, much appreciated.
11 years ago
Hi all,

I recently passed the ocewcd and have an interview next week with a financial services company. I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction in terms of any technologies I should be familiarising myself with. I've already had a telephone interview which went ok & during which the interviewer stressed the importance of online banking, so I'm guessing that this is an area that I should be concentrating on. I would also appreciate any general advice.

I'm not even sure if I'm posting in the right forum again any advice is very welcome:)

Thanks in advance.
11 years ago
Hi all, I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct forum here, but I'll give it a go.
I recently passed the ocjp exam and I would like now to get a j2ee certification but
I'm not really sure which one to go for. I realise that it will have to be my own decision
but I would appreciate any recommendations.
Figured it out, I had an IOException class file in my working directory.. not sure how it even got there, must have been experimenting with something at some point, anyway my fault. Sorry for wasting anybody's time & thanks again for the suggestion Bert.
Hi Bert, thanks for the reply, but I'm working from the command line.