Bryan Saunders

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since Feb 01, 2012
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Recent posts by Bryan Saunders

I got the Oracle Practice Exams from here: ePractice Exams

I just clicked on the "Purchase Online" link
Is the OCP Java 7 Upgrade exam out and available yet? I see on the Oracle site it was supposed to be available at the end of 2011, but on the link for the Exam everything is TBD ( Does any body have any additional information about this exam, such as # of questions, time limit, passing score, etc...?
I just took the exam this morning, and this is what I had:

- 60 Questions
- 2.5 Hours
- Dry Erase Board with Marker/Napkin (to Erase with)
- All Multiple Choice (# of Answers to Pick specified, no "Choose All that Apply")
- No Drag and Drop or Fill in the Blanks (May have just been my version of the exam)
- No Serialization Questions
- No wait()/notify() Questions
- No Insanely Tricky Questions like some of the Sierra/Bates Mock Exams

The Oracle ePractice exams are spot on in terms of types of questions and difficulty level. I just completed them last week as final preparation for the real exam.
Just Completed my Oracle Certified Professional, Java 6 Programmer certification with an 86% after about 3 months of solid preparation and 3 months of on/off preparation.

For studying I used the Sierra/Bates Study Guide and Mock Exam books as well as the Sybex SCJP6 book as an additional reference.

For Mock Exams I completed the following:
Oracle ePractice Exam 1 - 86%
Oracle ePractice Exam 2 - 89%
MasterExam Quiz A - 70%
MasterExam Quiz B - 68%
Sierra/Bates Mock 1 - 71%
Sierra/Bates Mock 2 - 78%
Sierra/Bates Mock 3 - 73%
Sierra/Bates Mock 4 - 73%

The Oracle ePractice Exams are the closest to the actual difficulty of the real exam.

I also wrote around 150 small sample programs to demonstrate concepts, did all of the exercises in the Mock Exam book, all of the self-tests, and created around 500 Flash cards.
12 years ago
Does anybody know if there is a Time limit on when you can take the required training for the Developer certification?

I was looking at taking the new "Java 7 New Features" Oracle training in March, so that it can serve two purposes, one prepare me for the Java 7 Upgrade Exam, and two, meet the Developer Exam Requirement. If I was to take the class in March, but not do the Developer Exam until say 2013, would it still count as the training, or would I have to take another course?