Chong Kim

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since Feb 05, 2002
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Recent posts by Chong Kim

I create a in memory file from the server side ( file = new File("text.txt")) and then I with to pass that file to an applet that will write it to the client. I have a jsp that creates the file and also contains a button that when pressed, will load the applet and write the file to the client. Does anyone know how the applet can read the created file?
22 years ago
Is there a way to disable the 'browse' button on a from when I set <input type=file ...>
Thanks in advance.
I've modified the .java.policy file to read:

grant codebase "* {
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "write";
I wrote an applet that writes to a file on my client machine but when I run it in Netscape I'm getting a "security checkfile" error. I was led to believe that all I had to do was modify the .java.policy file. Am I missing something here? Please help. Thank you.
22 years ago