arun raj singh

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since Mar 12, 2012
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Recent posts by arun raj singh


I have deployed my project in tomcat server. I started tomcat using eclipse. It got started with no error. But when I am trying opening tomcat (http://localhost:8080)home page in web browser, it showing up 404 error. Whereas when I am running my project as run on server , i could see my project home page in web browser perfectly.

Any help will be hugley appreciated.

11 years ago
Thanks Paul.

I got your point. Writing down code for this will surely take long time but have to do this. No other go. Thanks for your valuable input.
11 years ago
Hi all,

Is there any way to convert the MIME type of emails from html to plain text?. I am receiving emails in my java code which are of html mime type. There are lot of html tags in it. I want to remove these tags and get it converted to plain text mime type. Will changing mime type help? or there is another way to do this?

Any help will be hugely appreciated.

11 years ago
Thanks guys for your reply...

I am not using hibernate here. I have to handle it through the servlets and jsp.I am using synchronization right now to handle this but its hitting on performance.Is there no other way out.
Thanks Rob for reply

It was the first reply for my thread and so very special..

coming to the question.. yes i do not want to use synchronization here.. what could be other way around for it?

I have one scenario where in there are many user login to an application. There is one page which fetches data from the database to the logged in user and user can update that page to update the corresponding data in data base. how to avoid a situation like this that one user fetches the data and wait for long time to update it and meanwhile some other user fetches it and updates it? I know that synchronization can help here but it going to hit hard on performance.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
