arif aghariya

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since Apr 29, 2012
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Recent posts by arif aghariya

hi friends, first of all thanks for your valuable suggestion,

i have lots of opportunity in others company that working on my skill set and i am thinking that if i continue with my current company it will make bad impact on my career
i have signed bond that mention that , in the case if i termite the contract then i have to pay whole year of salary (around 1.5 lacks).
there is only way to left the company without any cost is once the company itself terminate me.
so is it the good way to start some misbehave in company, i mean to be absent and not to complete the work at given time. and so on and to wait for let them to terminate me.

11 years ago
Hi ,

i am from Ahmadabad ,Gujarat,I want to take one suggestion that, before 6 month i have joined one company. before joining the company they have signed me bond for 2 years on turn of agreement paper.and for security purpose they have taken my all original document and blank cheque. now after having six months of time in this company. i am not satisfied with company work. i am going away from my skills. so i am not inserted to work in this company any more.

so i want to ask that. is it legal to have this kind of bond?, and what can be happen when i terminate the bond and they go to the court? how can i get my all document back ? what can they do with blank cheque?

please help me for this situation,

hoping for your help
11 years ago
Hi friends,
Currently I am working With Activiti(BPMN 2.0) ,I have Created One Application that send email to client. I am using Apache James email Server 2.3. All work fine. I created user in James server. and also getting email well. alll work fine.

But now i Want to configure James Server in GUI. Means like Kmail or somthing. So how Can i configure KMail With James server. So i Can Get All Email In Kmail. So its look cool to read email There.

My James Server is running on:

James Mail Server 2.3.2
Remote Manager Service started plain:4555
POP3 Service started plain:1110
SMTP Service started plain:1025
NNTP Service started plain:1119
FetchMail Started

Please help Me.

thanks And Regards
Hi friend currently i m working on Spring.

I have one Problem In that. I m making Custome Binding for EmployeeID, AS Emp_Code(String) Emp_No(integer) , I have Created On Class


String Emp_Code;
int Emp_No;



EmpId empid;
String password;


I have also created Binder Class for Binding. and one Controller class.Its Working fine.

But the problem is when i call result.Jsp i only can get Value Of EmployeeLogin Attribute. and getting null value for EmpId attribute.So please help me.... I want to print empId. Becoz in EmployeeLogin empid it print Something Disgusting Value
11 years ago


i obtain a parameter from the front end(jsp) and pass it to the action class to perform certain calculations and pass back the result . but the problem is i can use this value to only result page.How do I access this new value bye other pages?

now i can use this value by result page like
<s:property value="newVal" />

if i want to use this same value in other page so what i have to do. please help me.


11 years ago
i m getting property value in result page but not getting that same value in other age


i m getting <s:iterator value="propertylist" status="userStatus"> in only one page
but not getting it in other page.
11 years ago