Alex Bug

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since Feb 15, 2002
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how can I handle shutdown event in Tomcat 4.x ?
Now I use JVM's shutdown hook, but I would like to use
container's event.
I think that MBeans have relation to such things, but I never used it before. Am I right related MBeans?
Is there any examples of container's lifecycle traking, any URL ?

Thanks !
19 years ago
Nick, I am little bit tangled in IBM's certifications ...
What is IBM 257, I didn't find any information about it on the IBM site?
Is there any info somewhere ?
Will 257 be insted 287 (i.e. WebShere 6.0 insted old 5.0) ?
Now ICED = SCJP + 486 + 484 + 285, does it mean that in some time , when 257 will be released ICED will consists of SCJP + 486 + 484 + 257 ?
Or 486 and 484 also will be changed ?

Thank you a lot for you answers !
Nicholas, thanks for answer.
Good news!

Another question, please.
Is there any mandatory time frame between tests for same certificate?
i.e. if I'll pass test 484 (for ICED) in next month, can I continue my sertification in summer, for example.

Does anybody know, should SCJP certificate be a fresh, or if it is 6 years old it is also ok for ICED ?

Thank you.