Pradeep Nair C

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since Mar 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Pradeep Nair C

is there any method to get the Operating system being used in Java
21 years ago
is there any method to get the Operating system being used in Java
21 years ago
i want to make my applet connect to database. what r the requirements and how is it done
22 years ago
i am working with an application on that i need facility for credit card validation. what r the requirements and how is it done
22 years ago
what is meant by SMTP server and how is it installed and what is its purpose
22 years ago
i want to devolop a site on that there should be facility for printing and downloading files. what are the requirements in jsp
22 years ago
i want to devolop a site on that there should be facility for printing and downloading files. what are the requirements in javascript
i am now working with a jsp project on online book shop.i want to store the books detail in my cart. which are the methods used?
22 years ago
i want to send mail to my friend having hotmail account using jsp code. is it possible using jsp or it required other things?
22 years ago
i want to create a chat pgm using jsp. anyone pls tell me the requirements and code
22 years ago
i want to mail a message to my friend who got hotmail id. how can i do it in my servlet program.
22 years ago
i am using java web server for my jsp project. i created a simple bean class named SpellCheck and copied it into the root directory. i used the <jsp:useBean id="x" scope="request" class="SpellCheck"> tag to include the bean.all files are on the root directory. but an error comes showing translation error and tellng that type declaration needed showing ...SpellCheck class not found . pls get me the remedy as early as possible
22 years ago
can any one get me a project on online store very urgently for university purpose
22 years ago