Mahita Ande

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since Sep 26, 2012
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Recent posts by Mahita Ande

Thank you.
Could you please let me know the location of the log files which contain these errors.

10 years ago
I have a java web service built on jax-ws. This web service is installed on a Unix server and runs as a background process. I start the process using the java command for the .jar file. However after running for sometime the service stops running automatically. It appears that either there is an error or some other process is l killing web service process. I do not have a way to say if the web service process stops because of an error. Could you please suggest how I can log errors that causes the service to stop in a java web service hosted on a Unix server.

Thank you,
10 years ago
I have a java web service built on jaxws. This web service is installed on a unix server and runs as a process. A .net application connects to this service to access its exposed methods. Please advise how I can stop the web service when a stop request is sent from the .net application.

Thank you,
10 years ago
I exposed a method GetCPUUsage in my web service which returns a CPUUsed on system. When i use wget to call this method I have a file downloaded. Here is the content of the file.

Web Services
<h1>Web Services</h1>
<table width='100%' border='1'>
<table border="0"><tr><td>Service Name:</td><td>{http://Unix.Monitors.Pulse/}UnixService</td></tr><tr><td>Port Name:</td><td>{http://Unix.Monitors.Pulse/}UnixPort</td></tr></table>
<table border="0"><tr><td>Address:</td><td>http://dev05:40005/UnixMonitor/UnixMonitorService</td></tr><tr><td>WSDL:</td><td><a href="http://dev05:40005/UnixMonitor/UnixMonitorService?wsdl">http://dev05:40005/UnixMonitor/UnixMonitorService?wsdl</a></td></tr><tr><td>Implementation class:</td><td>Pulse.Monitors.Unix.Unix</td></tr></table>

I do not see the returned value swhich gives me the CPUUsage anywhere in the file.

Thank you,
10 years ago
The web method does not take any parameters. Signature of the web method is public void GetCPUUsed(). When i look into the files created by wget I do not see the returned value anywhere making me suspect if the method was executed to return the value.

Please advise.

Thank you,
10 years ago
I have a java web service running on Unix machine with an exposed web method to get number of users logged into another application. I am trying to invoke the web method using 'wget' command from the Unix command prompt to get the users info. But I only see the the connection was established and the bytes were downloaded. I do not see any return value. I am not sure if the method is executed to gather information about users. Please advise what modifiers should I use invoke the web method using wget or if there is any other command that would accomplish this.

Thank you,
10 years ago
I have an application which has to check execution permissions for using the scripts. I am using java file.CanExecute method for this. This methods returns correct boolean when I run the app on HP-UX pr Linux machine. However when I run it on AIX machine it always returns True. Please advise how this can be fixed to return the correct boolean on AIX machine too.

Thank you,
11 years ago
My java build path points to jre1.6, I use wsgen in my ant file. but its version is JAX-WS 2.2.4. I was the wsgen to be 2.1. Please advise how can I force wsgen to use JAX-WS 2.1 in my ant file.
11 years ago
Thank you.

Also, I am creating jaxws files using wsgen that is available in jdk1.7 in the ant script. Because of this I am not able to run the service on servers which have earlier versions of java. I tried to specify the target to 1.5 for wsgen but it did not work. When i look up to see if I have wsgen in jdk1.5.0_16 I cannot find it. Could you please advise how I can use wsgen to generate target files for java 1.5 and why I cannot find wsgen in jdk1.5.0_16/bin.
11 years ago
I have a java WebService. The code compiles fine in eclipse. When I try to compile this in java 1.5 I get the error' package javax.jws does not exist' and 'package does not exist'. When I try to compile it on a unix machine from the command line using javac i get the error. When I compile the same code on another unix machine running java 1.6 everything works just fine. Could you please advise what I am missing.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Thank you for your replies. This issue was resolved without additional pluggins. Solution was to have the manifest file and the jar file within the src folder (at the smae level as the package) instead of outside it.
11 years ago
Thank you, but, is there a way I can accomplish this without downloading JRebel.

11 years ago
I created a jar file for all the compiled files and added so the jar is executable. But, when I run this jar on Linux machine I get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:.

my java and class files are in directory /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/src/comp/proj/mod.
schema for my project is com.proj.mod
I created a manifest file in /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4 with Main-Class: ClassName and the file ends in a new line (I also tried Main-Class: package.ClassName).
I create a jar file with manifest file and src directory in /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4. (I also tried creating a jar file for /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/src/comp/proj/mod along with manifest file).
Now when use java -jar command I get NoClassDefFoundError. I also tried java -cp /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/src -jar jarFile.jar, but that did not work either.
I suspect it has to do with the directory structure and the way the class is being looked at. But I am not able to figure out the right way.

Please advice on how I can have the jar file running.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Minor mistake. I did not use a string[] object to pass in the command arguements. As soon as I used a string array object everything seemed to work.

Thank you Richard for your help.

11 years ago
Thank you for the suggestions Richard. Unfortunately nothing really worked. Whern I use waitFor() for the process I get 0 as return value which I understand indicates a success. Also, I tried to read the stderr but it returns null which implies no error messages. I have also gone through the blog you mentioned. Looks like I am already providing the suggested syntax while using runtime exec(). Still lost

11 years ago