Hung Pham

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since Dec 12, 2012
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Recent posts by Hung Pham

Could admin remove this topic please, it is not needed any more and it is also crossing post with other 4rums.

thanks a lot
11 years ago
Thank you to Campbell Ritchie,

I am quite new to Java and got help with getActionCommand() from another mate.

@Darryl Burke

Sorry, I did not notice about "Be Forthright When Cross Posting To Other Sites" from

I thought all website run individually and much faster If I post the same question in different 4rums.

Sorry in advance
11 years ago
Dear all,

I have been doing a small program which can help user search general photos by keywords and can retrieve most recent general uploads from Flickr.

I created 4 classes:

testUserInterface => to build all components for interface.

Link to view my code of testUserInterface

[highlight] [/highlight]

testSearch => inherits interface from testUserInterface and build event action when user clicks on button start and button exit.

Link to view my code of testSearch

PhotoFinder => get connection to Flickr.

Link to view my code of PhotoFinder

PhotoPanel => displays photos on this panel.

Link to view my code of PhotoPanel

When I select sub-menu "Search Photos" from class testUserInterface, a search panel is displayed with textfield and 2 buttons, start and exit.

However, a problem occurs when I clicks start button (after entering a specific keyword).
all photos which relates to the keyword is not shown.
and I got problem with sub-menu instead in line 180.

Please help me out with the problem, it drives me crazy (TT)
11 years ago