Kalpesh Mehta

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since Mar 22, 2002
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Recent posts by Kalpesh Mehta

Shahid, Lucy
Were you able to solve this problem? I am facing the same problem. Can someone please let me know the solution?
Thanks everybody.
My advice:
Read : Mughal book really well.
Read Marcus Green tutorial at last minute:-)..It'll give you confidence. If you read a very detailed material at the end, you'll get confused.
Read Velmurugan notes if you can.
My experience :
Questions really test your fundamentals. In threads there is lot of stress on synchronisation etc. (What will happen when 2 threads act on the same object...) In I/O the stress is on constructors. Collection,AWT etc is easy to answer. I made mistakes in Inner classes. Bit-shifting etc is easy stuff so just know the fundamentals in that..
I would say most of the mock exams(not that I tried many!!) are not similar to real test. On the other hand, some of the exam questions are really easy. There is no real time pressure also. I had 30 minutes to review all my answers.
All the best to everybody. My next goal is UML.
21 years ago
Passed SCJP 1.2. Percentage is low, and I think I made mistakes in the inner classes. It is my advise to really study inner classes and specially anonymous classes well.I would recommend to read Marcus Green's tutorial and Velu notes well.
I have just been a silent spectator of this group and would like to thank everybody.
21 years ago