Dauren Zhumabayev

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since Apr 25, 2013
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Recent posts by Dauren Zhumabayev

Devaka Cooray wrote:

Dauren Zhumabayev wrote:...but I'm not using JSTL, just scriplets, cause I am new in Java.

If you are new to Windows, should you start from Windows 3.1 or something newer? Being new to Java doesn't mean you should stay away from best practices. Starting to learn from obsoleted bad practices and switching to the best practices later never happens. Using JSTL is not something you have to bend over backwards. You can find a quick and easy guide here. Just set it up, and see what <c:url> tag does especially with <c:param> here.

Ok, thank you
10 years ago

Devaka Cooray wrote:You need to give it a URL to the file that can be publicly accessible over web. Further, the URL has to be specified in encoded form. If your URL is a static one, you can get it encoded here. If it is not static, you can encode it using <c:url> and <c:param>.

Actually, problem was in another, but I've solved it. And now, you're wright. I need to encode it, but I'm not using JSTL, just scriplets, cause I am new in Java. Here is that how I've tried:

But it's not working, even page source code is the same with given source from here

What did I do wrong?
10 years ago
Hello, dear forum members. To display the contents of the various files stored in a blob field in Oracle, I want to use GoogleViewer, which is simple enough connected as follows
And the problem is I can not deal with how to correctly give him back the file location. The project in eclipse, the app war, container tomcat.
10 years ago

Mansukhdeep Thind wrote:Welcome to the ranch Dauren. :) Can you show me what you have already written? Use code tags to paste code.

Hello, thanks for your attention.

Here is table on jsp

Next code is action for /set-mark.do. Only what can I do at this moment is that I can get all parameter values from the table in array list. And the next task is process this list in right way.

And I have a idea to divide this list by function which take two parameter: array and number to divide this array. But it is not correct yet)

That is all.
10 years ago
Hello everybody. I am new in Java and web at all. I can not figure out how to obtain, process and transmit the values from table on jsp-page to the database. That table is gradebook of students (i.e. it contains names of students and their grades by any lesson) with inputs in any cell. The next complexity is that the dimension of table can be different, i.e. dynamic (I mean, for example, it may be 6 labs on one subject or may be 8 labs on other subject).

JSP page contains table with inputs in any cell (except 1st column and headers) and button submitting all values from input to DB.

PS. I know that it is easier to use something like jsGrid with inline editting, but I know nothing about js or ajax, and really has no time to read about it. So, if you have any idea how to realize it without js I'll be gratefull. If not, I'm gonna spend some days learning ajax and js. Thanks.
10 years ago