Raghu Shankar

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since Apr 01, 2002
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Recent posts by Raghu Shankar

With the wishes of all of you i cleared Part-1 with 85%. I would like to thank people who have helped me, Sridhr Murthy my study partner, Sanjay, Paddy, Bob, Harsha, bazrb for giving thier valuable inputs, Ian for preparing such a wonderful mock exam, PJCS for preparing such a wonderful notes, Nicky moelholm for a very good mock exam.
Here is the summary about my experience during this period.
The exam was over all easy than i had expected.
I finished 48 questions with 38 mins to spare i had lot of time reviewing the answers and also for the marked questions.
UML - was very basic, had read UML distilled, though think OO226 was much better than Martin Flower's book.
EJB - There is one and only book for this Monson Haefel, this is a very good book, also had read Mastering EJB(good one) too but would suggest Monson Haefel for this certification.
Design Paterns - could not read GOF book, Mark cade book for design patterns is more than sufficient.
Messaging - Very simple and general questions. a genral concept of different types of messaging and how they differ would be sufficient.
I18N - very basic, Tutorial is sufficient.
Security - need to understand the difference b/w trusted and untrusted, what they can do and cannot do all those stuff.
Protocol - this is not just about remembering the port numbers there is more to it. Generally u wil get scenario based question asking for the best protocol to be used for that situation, should be knowing the advantage and disadvantages of each protocol.
Legacy Connectivity - Here also basically scenario based questions, questions were involving MQseries, VT100, socket question, LDAP etc. more or less easy.
my last suggestion try taking as many mock exams as possible.
All set for Part-2 now.
All the best,
Raghu Shankar