Arun chandu

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since May 28, 2013
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Recent posts by Arun chandu


I could able to login with different roles and navigate to subpages



Able to navigate to sub-pages as well


There is a Home-Page link in the header. When I click on it should be navigate to homepage. I am not getting how can i do it.

I have tried as below

However its navigating back to "http://localhost:8080/shopcleaning/admin/homepagesLink"

and getting HTTP Status 404 - /shopcleaning/admin/homepagesLink

Can someone help-me out.

8 years ago
I apologize for the mistake.

I am using VM Linux system as server and Tomcat-8 as Application server. Files are uploading into Linux system using FTP on particular folder (eg: /design-doc/2016/March/25/) and Application is deployed into "/opt" folder.


I Want to display the uploaded images in Jsp. I hope, you understood Sir!

unfortunately, Images are not displaying. How to solve the problem.

8 years ago

Thanks for suggestion, Actually though images are uploaded form to FTP from the local system. How can we access those image and display to browser.

Its really argent help me out!
8 years ago

I am using Spring and Hibernate project and I can able to get the inside problem images however not the out side images.

I have tried the all the ways and even adding into ResourceHandlers

Using ''uploadfiles" as reference to get the pics

Anyone can help me how to display the those pics. Thanks in Advance.

8 years ago
I marked with Red color in Dropdown image attached. I can able to click in that image and after that option are getting displayed however Im not able to select the those options. You can see the option code in above image.

I am trying to automate one application using web-driver and Java. However I'm facing problem on selecting option. I need to click on image to open/display the option and it will make that DIV tag to visible. Here for your ref below

I tried with so many ways using xpath but only one or two time its selecting out of 10.

I think, its better to use CssSelector and the present problem is div tag will be disable until we click on image beside textarea field and also all class names of the drop down are same only difference is 'arvalue' option but i never heard before in table. I'm posting the source code as well.

Please help me how to select the items... Thanks in Advance

Arunchandu Ganta
Thank Hussein Baghdadi for responding.

I corrected the 'hibernaet.connection.password' long back, even its not working.

Hello Everyone,

I'm learning Hibernate. I search lot of site for ref. when ever i trying to run the program, it showing error.
I'm using Eclipse for the programming and add all jar file into library through buildpath. Here the code for the ManageEmployee

Here its is POJO class

and conf. file is here:

Even every i'm running the program then its shows

And im attaching the jar file image

Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Hi William,

Thanks for responding.
  • I'm extracting the zip file i got from the program as output

  • but most of the files i see in blurred form or i cant even open the files(for example music files).
    I tried zipping images which has less pixel size but the output is same.
    10 years ago

    I'm trying to create a zip file through the Servlet. Actually i'm created zip file but when ever i'm try to open the zip file, data is not proper for image or audio file.
    Here the code in servlet:

    Calling the class file from the servlet and here class code:

    This is working for text file but not for other file and I'm attached image file how it looks after zipped. I search in net and even in but i didn't get it.
    Some one help me..
    Thanks in advance

    10 years ago

    I'm trying to create a zip file through the Servlet. Actually i'm created zip file but when ever i'm try to open the zip file, data is not proper for image or audio file.
    Here the code in servlet:

    Calling the class file from the servlet and here class code:

    I'm attached image file how it looks
    10 years ago
    I'm using Tomcat server and image taking from the server

    Image is not showing in IE but it showing on other browser (like google chrome, fire fox)....
    10 years ago
    I have a jsp page displaying an image through jstl tags.I can get the image in all the other browsers except IE.

    Here is the code of that jsp page:

    I searched whole the internet but cant find anything..Please help me out thanks in advance....
    10 years ago
    Unable read the radio button value in servlet.

    When I'm retrieving the radio button value it is returning NULL.

    I Know this problem is because of enctype="multipart/form-data".
    Please Help to solve this...
    10 years ago
    Unable read the radio button value in servlet.

    When I'm retrieving the radio button value it is returning NULL.

    I Know this problem is because of enctype="multipart/form-data".
    Please Help to solve this...