Robert Spero

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since Jun 22, 2013
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Recent posts by Robert Spero

I am having a real hard time understand this! I have an oracle db and a mssql db that i am using stored proc to get the data i need. I want to create a web interface and access the stored proc. Here is where i have spent an entire day, i want to migrate my mSsql to mYsql. In ms it is straight forward to do an openquery method but with mysql i can not even link the database. In a situation like this how can i link my oracle db to mysql as a simple view or to pass parameters. I do not have rights to create these proc on the oracle db but i can query all day long. thanks
This should be a common question but I can't find an answer. I have an,application that users access through a nat, my web hosting server has access to servers with scattered databases. When a client passes a parameter to get some data does it ater at all if the client can access the ip of one of,the db servers.
Really the sql is the easy part for me, it is the web dev that is new to me. I am spiraling again because i am using googles gwt implementation and i want to make aone time database connection with multi client queries. and i do not know if this is an rpc or request factory. If request factory than why use hibernate?
I am having a real hard time understanding requestfactory and rpc with hibernate or even if request facrory and hibernate do the samething! I have a root panel with a button where i want the button to run a query and return some data using the server side implementation as the server has access to a database that the clients dont. I have hibernate done from a previous plan old java project which i am redoing in gwt so i just want the database connection opened in the context seassion and in the request session have the clients run the query.

So is the only difference that rpc implements a server side database connection for every client who presses the button and request factory is one time connection and every time they press the button i can code it as just a query through the context connection on the server side that has access to the database.

Thamks for the help!
10 years ago
I am drawing the framework for my first web application that uses data from an existing database. There will be absolutely no writing to the database just SELECT queries into arrays.

From a fundamental standpoint, there is a button on the form that will conect to the database and create an array and close the connection. Are there any advantages on making the connection in the context and queries in the session rather than opening and closing if there is no writing to the database?
i am just learning java but have a very good comfort level with databases and i want to be sure i understand this. I am looking at developung an app for an existing database using hibernate. Am i understand this correctly in that with jdbc and hibernate these are two different layers meaninf one manages the connection and hibernate manages accessing the data meaning that hibernate will not work with jdbc because hibernate does not manage the connection jdbc does or do i have this wrong?

I am outlining the frame work for a web application and it calls for url redirects through a proxy server. I want to keep the ip address and port of my proxy private and have the command sit on the server using:


When I put this in a servlet will the users see it if they attempt to look at the site through firebug or something like that?
10 years ago