Sondes Daoud

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since Aug 30, 2013
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I want to extract the email addresses from xhtml pages using JDOM or any similair api but i could'nt find the right expression of the xpath to do it.
Do you have any idea or suggestions ? Please??

Actually am working on a web application that seek for emails on the internet using a keyword search (like google) and collect them in purpose to build database's emails.
Currently, am using yahoo api to do the research and as output of this API, I have a json stream containing the URLs of pages containing emails resulting from the keyword searched.
After this step, I parse each url to extract emails from the body of the web page. this extraction is super long. so I'm looking for an optimization of the process.
I had the idea to use a "converter" html xml or json html in order to optimize the proces, but the conversion is not always successful.
Any suggestion or ideas about how to optimize my search method???