Suraj Nambiar

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since Sep 24, 2013
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Recent posts by Suraj Nambiar

Hey Jeanne,

Thanks for the reply. I found your answer to be very precise. I've decided to join the Java Company and drop SAP for the moment.

Thanks again
10 years ago
I'm a recent college (Computer Science) passout with no industry experience whatsoever and I currently have offer letters from two totally different companies.

One is a SAP partner company that implements ERP and CRM solutions for different types of companies. They'll be training me for six months on ABAP/4, CRM (SAP) & Web UI. I have no knowledge of any SAP Technology but they have provided me with a book on ABAP/4 to study before the training begins.
Another is a service based company that works on JAVA, J2EE, Web Technologies, and all the other regular stuff. The salary here is a bit less than the other one but its not really a concerning issue for me as I like to work in Java more than anything.

My queries are:

Will it be good for me to work in SAP technologies so early in my carrer as I will have no core language experience?
Will my experience in SAP count if I wish to change my carrer to something else (perse JAVA)?
I'm also worried that I wouldn't be exposed to new technologies while working in ABAP/4. I love to learn & play with new technologies. (I know SAP will be a new technology for me but I'm more concerned about the future)?
Is the future scope better in Java or SAP technologies?

I've no idea what goes around the IT industry and I would like some guidance for making my career choice.
10 years ago