Tempex Palton

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since Mar 08, 2014
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Recent posts by Tempex Palton


I'm using Netbeans with JDK 7. I'm developing a swing desktop application with embedded derby database.

I'm using the following code.

When i'm running this piece of code in Netbeans it's working fine. But when I close NetBeans and doubly click on the JAR file, it's throwing the following error:
java.net.ConnectException : Error connectiong to server localhost on port 1527 with message Connection refused : Connect

So, how to connect derby DB for distributed jar ?
How can i overcome this. Please help...

@Bear Bibeault : I've already posted(edited) the code above. Please check it.
10 years ago
@Rob Camick : I've posted SSCCE. Could you please test it ?
10 years ago
This is a single piece of code of my entire project. I'm stuck in this portion. That's why I've posted this portion. Please check this code & inform what's wrong with this.
10 years ago
@Rob Camick: Actually I did not get any solution from that post, and also I dont know what's wrong with the code. That's why I posted it here. Could you please help me out ?
10 years ago
Hello All,

I've a swing structure : JPopupMenu contains JPanel which contains JCheckBoxMenuItem. The problem is, I cannot use it because JPopupMenu disappears when mouse enters to any MenuItems.
I added JCheckBoxMenuItem to JPanel(because to make it scrollable, as there are large number of menu-items) and then JPanel to JPopupMenu.
I'm using NetBeans IDE.
Here is the code, done so far.

Please help. Thanks in advance.
10 years ago