imran ahmed

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since May 04, 2002
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Recent posts by imran ahmed

i m new in programming especially in swing.
i have big problem in JTable. i want to make a table with dynamic rows, i mean that first time frame will show many colum and two rows and when we enter 2nd row then third row will apear in fram.
plz plz if u can make and demostrate it, i will be very thankful. plz or send me
thanks in advance
21 years ago
salam every body
i want to inform u two things
1, u can get (deleted by Marilyn)... (pirated copy).
2nd thing is explained is not a perfect book abaout patterns bcz it didt discuss all core 23 patterens which is discussed in "Gang of four(standard book)"n also it didt discuss completely n it didt give complete parctical code.


if i m wrong plz contact me.

Please do not post about pirated books/software here at JavaRanch. -- Marilyn
[ August 17, 2002: Message edited by: Marilyn de Queiroz ]
thanks for reply
mr Dave Vick i have read Gof book and i understood all patterens in consceptual basis but i want to see implementation of all Gof patteren in java. plz tell me name of the book which gives implementation in jave or site.
thanks in advance.
Can u tell me ; how could i find the implementations of this book in JAVA or what is the web site of That Book
Asslam -o- Alaikum
Can any body tell me that what behavior shows uml diagrams (use case, Activity, Class, and Component diagram) static behavior or dynamic behavior.