Maurice brown

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since Sep 20, 2014
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Recent posts by Maurice brown

Thanks guys for the feedback.

Junilu Lacar, i'm going to try to read your articles.
Thanks guys for taking the time to answer my questions.

So it seems that little high level OOAD is taking place. It me, it would seem that while you can design and application any kind of way that kinda makes sense, it would be better to at least be able to represent this code at a bird's eye view just to see if it DOES MAKE SENSE OR IS A GOOD DESIGN. (I can see at least how converting code into a high level design could be beneficial. At least you can critique what was written even if you don't have time to fix anything.) Of course, No design is going to be completely perfect unless it is really small and has a very limited scope, but I can imagine that If i code without a plan, i could end up with very counter-intuitive code that makes little sense. Then I can imagine that I'd introduce more complications as I try to overcome or shortcut the bad design.

I know that I've looked at some code and architecture and wondered why it was so hard to read and extremely counter-intuitive. Now I'm a novice. But i can still read.

I understand that UML and even OOAD does not guarantee a good design or that the good design will be properly maintained. Nevertheless, I can only imagine that the less structure there is to the design, the fewer eyes on the original design, will result in difficult to read code IF NOT simply poorly designed--more than likely both.

If you guys disagree, please explain. If you agree, please explain. I'm trying to understand the nature of this. I've been mostly a database person. There is bad design there too but much more care is actually taken in DB design and it has less code to worry about.
Hello, I'm wondering how do senior level developers design domains, APIs, BLL, etc without UML? If they are not using UML, I'm also assuming they are NOT doing OOAD.

I ask because no matter what company i work for, interview for, or architect i talk to, most are not using UML. If they do, it a random occurrence. Is this really the practice? Does this really work?

I would not design a database without planning it out. why would anyone develop a long lasting application without using OOAD?

I"m really trying to understand how most companies are doing this. Is it all cowboy programming and they just hope for the best as they develop the various classes or is it more structured?

Is there some secret that I don't know about?


See, I'm still trying to learn how to program and I've hindered my growth because I wanted to be able to develop "the right way" and not develop bad habits.

I think I should have just programmed to the various technologies and then added design as I became more aware than push off programming. By now I could have learned lots of different ways to code even if I didn't have design knowledge.
I just finished reading another thread on here about it taking a long time to learn to build good designs.

Well I'm one of those top down type of guys. It is really hard for me to just dig into code and build software around technologies. I was hoping I would be able to develop some design and code with various technologies at the same time. Design does seem to be time consuming and takes up all my time.

To be a good programmer especially at entry-level, I'm expected to be able to program and build using various technologies such as LINQ, MVC, Entity Framework, etc. I don't know any of those.

Should I just start with an interface and start coding? Or should I do a little design and focus a little on the various technologies?

Honestly, I feel designing applications is and will slow me down. But i prefer it. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure it is not in my best interest career wise to focus on design before i learn the technologies. Employers like to see lots of stuff on resumes--not taht you can design.

What do you think?
I have a system class in my class diagram, and I don't know what to do with it. Most diagrams I see do not have a System class.

I'm trying to understand what it means.

I would like to start coding my design, as least parts of it, but I can't get pass the System class. I would like to model an Employee taking an Exam.

The class got added from my System Sequence Diagram and the Communications Diagrams.

I hope you can help me clarify what the System means and how I can start modeling Employee takes Exam Use Case.
