sravan kumar

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since Sep 13, 2000
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I am facing with the problem its like this
I want to read a file and replace say "data.xml" string in the file with some other name say "data1.xml" but unable to do it can any one help me how to search a string in a file
22 years ago
please forward the same to me also my email id is
Advance Thanks
I definetely say that the answers are true and true because within an operating system there is a jvm i.e a jvm is a program to an operating system which handles the thread processing and even the jvm intern also handles the threaeds so gc is taken care by both the operating system and the jvm.
If any querrys
get back
Here you have to take the help of the ResultSetMetaData interface
you have to first get the reference of the ResultSetMetaData
which will return the ResultSet from which you can invoke the
method of the column count
[This message has been edited by sravan kumar (edited September 13, 2000).]

Originally posted by sampurna:
What is swing basically? how it is differ from awt?
A swing is a Lightweight component where as an awt is a heavy
weight component. what is this light weight component and heavy
weight component. i will give you a simple example with this i
hope you will be expertise.
if you develop a simple frame with user name and password as a
fields in the frame when you compile and run the programs your
will get some out put say hai etc. but what the thing here is
that when you run the same frame in windows the look and feel
will be different and on unix it will be different and motiff it
will be defferent i.e the text fields will look different omn
different operating systems.

23 years ago