rajeev holkar

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since Sep 13, 2000
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Recent posts by rajeev holkar

Can i install Forte for Java, Internet Edition on Win98/ME?
Has anybody installed Forte for Java, IE on Win Millennium?
In summary, is it advisable to install the INTERNET EDITION on 98/Me.
thanks rajeev
[This message has been edited by rajeev holkar (edited January 09, 2001).]
Thanks ... i think the online documentation is good enough ...
Is there any book available on Forte for Java
Can anybody recommend sites where the objective online tutorials are present like we have in here i.e. "Rules Roundup".
23 years ago
I have a laptop with Windows Millennium OS(Win ME).
What exactly is the difference in Win 98 and Win ME?
What all Java Web Servers can I install on this OS?
Will there be any problems which I could face using Java stuff
on this machine?
Any sort of help is appreciated?
[This message has been edited by rajeev holkar (edited October 15, 2000).]
23 years ago
I have a laptop with Windows Millennium OS(Win ME).
What exactly is the difference in Win 98 and Win ME?
What all Java Web Servers can I install on this OS?
Will there be any problems which I could face using Java stuff
on this machine?
Any sort of help is appreciated?
[This message has been edited by rajeev holkar (edited October 15, 2000).]
23 years ago
Please go through the following text from 'Java Servlet Programming' by Jason Hunter from o'rielly (page 74):
Unfortunately, there's no server-independent way for a servlet to ask for its registered name or its class file location. This information may be added in a future version of the servlet API. Until then, although it's not pretty, this information can be passed using the init parameters where necessary. Also, some servers-including the JWS-provide a back door whereby a servlet can get its registered name.
Can anybody explain the following in the above context :
1.The first statement, that is "Unfortunately, there's no server-independent way for a servlet to ask for its registered name or its class file location."
2.The 'back-door' concept.
Thanks in advance ....
23 years ago
hmmmmmmmmmm .... this is something ....
Thanks Paul.
23 years ago
The things are getting clearer ... thanks ...
But this leads to another one ...
i have coded a servlet and the servlet takes a value for a X variable from a file(txt or any other) in the INIT method and writes back the present(modified) value of the X variable to the same file in the DESTROY function.
Now after updating the value of X, i closed the browser.
1. In this case, is the DESTROY function called?
2. If not, then who should be responsible for updating the file.
3. what could be the exact sequence??
Thanks in advance ...
23 years ago
What are the various ways to unload a servlet?
more simply, when a servlet is called, it is loaded by the web server, the required method is called and after that the servlet is unloaded.
So when can I be sure that my servlet has been unloaded??
23 years ago
What are the various ways to unload a servlet?
more simply, when a servlet is called, it is loaded by the web server, the required method is called and after that the servlet is unloaded.
So again, what are the various ways to unload a servlet??
23 years ago
Is there any Java's IDE available like we have for VB where the Intellisense attributes and other useful properties like the availability of method and properties list are listed on a dot(.)??
23 years ago
hmmmmmmmmm ... that's neat. Thanks.
23 years ago
Thanks, the things are getting clearer.
But you mentioned about RMI and CORBA stuff.
What was the question in your mind when you noted them down so that I may think relatively when i come through RMI and CORBA?

[This message has been edited by rajeev holkar (edited September 14, 2000).]
23 years ago