manju kumar

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since May 29, 2002
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Recent posts by manju kumar

I think inner classes can extend any other classes. But there is no must and should that they have to extend some class.
21 years ago
Hi All,
After trying with most of the combinations,i reached the foll conclusion :
For a normal inner class, the outer class cannot access its inner class vars whether static or not.
For a static inner class, the outer class can access its inner class vars if they are static and no if they are non-static.
(with condition that the inner class is not yet instantiated)
plz let me know if i am correct or even otherwise.
21 years ago
Thanks shashi..
But my Q was can a outer class access the vars of inner class just like it does its own vars??..i mean without instantiating the inner class..say i have a separate class which has the main method..tell me how in such a situation??..hope u wud help me..
21 years ago
Hi All,
Can I have my outer class access its inner (static/non-static) class variables??
If so what variables(whether private,public ,etc) can be accessed.
Can someone give me a syntax as to how to access the inner class variable from the outer class?
Any help is appreciated..
21 years ago