sundari ganapathy

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since Aug 25, 2015
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Recent posts by sundari ganapathy

Thanks Jayesh, again that's me who posted the same question in both forums and thanks once again for the very useful reply. SOA certification is also technology neutral in the SOA space (unlike IBM or Oracle SOA certification). That's why I selected this.

However I would like to see more views / thoughts on this topic because interestingly a lot of people and Employers think TOGAF certification is desirable for Application architect / Integration / Solution Architect roles! Also many developers trying to become Architects learn TOGAF (by default!). This is misleading if it has nothing much in common.

8 years ago
I am currently reading Thomas Erl's books for preparing SOACP certifications. While these books are excellent, they seem to have their own SOA principles although it is vendor neutral. I am wondering does OpenGroup ToGAF has its own architecture (possibly SOA?) standards as well.

So does reading both will cause confusion? Are they completely two different approaches? Sorry I did not do enough research on ToGAF as I did for SOACP.

While SOACP completely concentrates on SOA concepts, how much does TOGAF contribute towards SOA? I cannot find any comparison on SOACP Vs Togaf, which led me to think maybe doing both does not make sense.

Any suggestions will help.

Thanks in Advance.
8 years ago
Hi All,

The SOAschools recommends to read this book as part of the self study module -- 'Next Generation SOA: A concise Introduction to Service Technology and Service-Orientation'

However no one mentioned the chapters in this book, but directly 'SOA Principles of Service Design' book. This is only recommended for S90.03 onwards. Has this changed recently? Has anyone used the above mentioned book for preparing for the test?