Chaobai Huang

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Recent posts by Chaobai Huang

Passed with 82% - 45 out of 55.

Thank you all for providing many useful information. That's very very useful. Here's my thought for preparation of this exam.

I would like to recommend go to "IBM XML certification success" first, which will bring you a general idea of what's the main focus of the exam

Some other useful materials like:
1.Professional XML 2nd - This is a big book of XML. It's very helpful to go through the main chapters.
2.Orielly's XSLT - The bible of XSLT. It's enough for all XSLT questions.

For mock exams, you may go to the link on the top of this forum. But I should admit that most questions are new to me, but the main focus is the same, like Schema/DTD/DOM/XSLT, DOM vs SAX, DTD vs Schema....

I haven't read other material for preparation because the exam is a rush to me. I'm not sure whether 142 will keep in the same way, if you have time, to get some real experience of developing in XML/XSLT/SAX/DOM would be the most useful way to prepare in.

The question numbers of each part as below:

Section # Questions # Correct
1. Architecture 10 10
2. Information Modeling 15 13
3. XML Processing 18 15
4. XML Rendering 6 3
5. Testing and Tuning 6 4
[ July 07, 2006: Message edited by: Chaobai Huang ]
Thanks a lot, Peter! It really helps me.^-^
One more question. I want use wait() in one run() and notify() it in another run(). but failed. How can I write the code?
Because the task is urgent. Please give me some help. Thanks all. ^-^
There are two inner class extending TimerTask inside the same class. One run every 2 minutes and another 4 minutes. How can I let only one run() method executing at the same time and every run() method sould be atomic? Is it enough to add a big sychronized(OuterClass.this) inside each run() method?
Please help. Wait online.
Hi, all
Where can I get some SCJA materials or mock exams? Need help~~Thanks~~
I'm new here~!!! Wanna learn more on java~~