Kaushik Subramanya

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Recent posts by Kaushik Subramanya

There has been quite a bit of confusion (at least in my case) about the inner classes. Can you once and for all sum it all up and post the correct features of the Inner classes
Sorry for disrupting your extended vacation

Originally posted by Ajith Kallambella:
[B]Here is a summary of types of classes

Hope this helps!
[This message has been edited by Ajith Kallambella (edited July 13, 2000).][/B]

Thanks all...
My doubts are clear

Originally posted by Adrian Yan:
The first one a) is the only correct answer.
The second question, remember this:
For methods, it's the methods of actual object that the reference denotes at runtime that gets execute.
For variable, it's the variables of object that the reference denotes at compile time that gets execute.
I know it's confusing, it took me awhile to understand it.
Let me know if you let more help.

Originally posted by Adrian Yan:
The first one a) is the only correct answer.
The second question, remember this:
For methods, it's the methods of actual object that the reference denotes at runtime that gets execute.
For variable, it's the variables of object that the reference denotes at compile time that gets execute.
I know it's confusing, it took me awhile to understand it.
Let me know if you let more help.

Static variables are automatically initialized.
Hope that helps

Originally posted by Nasir Khan:
I have a problem with this code
class X{static int i=5;} //line 1

class Y{
static X method(){return null;}//line 2
public static void main(String st[]){
int g=method().i;
Obviously there should be a NullpointerException
but its giving an output of 5
but when i remove static either from line1 or line2
there is NullpointerException.....
Please help me on this....

Here are some questions for which I am not able to get the right answer.
Which statements are accurate:
a) >> performs signed shift while >>> performs an unsigned shift.
b) >>> performs a signed shift while >> performs an unsigned shift.
c) << performs a signed shift while <<< performs an insigned shift.
d) <<< performs a signed shift while << performs an unsigned shift
I think it is b.
But says it is wrong..
class Super
{ int index = 5;
public void printVal()
{ System.out.println( "Super" );
class Sub extends Super
{ int index = 2;
public void printVal()
{ System.out.println( "Sub" );
public class Runner
{ public static void main( String argv[] )
{ Super sup = new Sub();
System.out.print( sup.index + "," );
What will be printed to standard output?
a) The code will not compile.
b) The code compiles and "5, Super" is printed to standard output.
c) The code compiles and "5, Sub" is printed to standard output.
d) The code compiles and "2, Super" is printed to standard output.
e) The code compiles and "2, Sub" is printed to standard output.
f) The code compiles, but throws an exception
correct answer is c. Not able to understand how.
Any light would be appreciated.
Thanks for an excellent explanation. Would be helpful if you cud explain the >>> operation too. I am having some trouble understanding the same.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Can anyone tell me how do I catch and handle exceptions within my constructor.
Read the Bible - Ed Roman - It is available on the web http://www.theserverside.com

Originally posted by Raghavendra Holla:
I am starter for this. Can anyone suggest best & Comprehensive book for EJB. Thanks in advance.

Has anyone tried to customize the JTreeTable that is present on Suns Web site.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
23 years ago