giorgos andreou

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since Nov 18, 2015
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By turn() I mean flipCards(), sorry I stated it wrong and by match() I mean matchCards().
Can you help me decide in which class I should put them?
8 years ago
You think that I should put the turn() and match() method for the cards and the methods startGame() and endGame() at my abstract Game class that can be Inherited by all the other game modes classes or in the Board class like the post you've already seen for this assingnment?
8 years ago
Some of the classes I think I should use are:
One class for the Card, one class for the Board(Parent) and maybe two child classes for the GridBoard and the RandomBoard,
a Game class that maybe can identify whether the cards are match together, whether to turn a card and when the Game ends, a Player(Parent) class and two child classes for the HumanUser and the CPU. Then I'm thinking of making different classes for each game mode of the Memory Game(for example Basic, Trio/Quartet, DoubleBoard and Duel(Battle)) but I'm not so sure(I think that maybe some of them can be created as methods inside other classes or that they can be inside one class altogether).
Also there are the other variations of the Game Modes(CardsInOrder, Each PLayer plays only once, cards switch together if you choose wrong and the variation that lets the player decide if he wants to turn another card) as you can see at the topic and I can't either decide about how many classes to make of these or if they are methods.
Also I cannot exactly understand if I have to use Single and Multi Player classes.

Thank you very much for assisting me!
8 years ago
Hello, I have a university assignment and I have problems at figuring out which classes are necessary to Create for the first part that I only have to create the classes and their methods without any further code.

This is the topic:
The basic game contains 2 copies of 26 different images that we place in a field( 4 lines, 13 columns). The game can be played by a player(count his steps-opening pairs) or by a team (when someone find a pair he playes again). Now we have some variatios :
1) Someone who found a pair doesn't play again, but continues the next one (team game only).
2)Double game (2 copies of 52 different images) in field( 8 x 13).
3)Trio-quartet, we have 3/4 copies in 26 different images.
4) We place the cards in random ( no field).
5)Someone in team game decides not to play.
6)When we open a pair, the cards change places.
7)The pairs,trio,quartet are opened in order, a number is written at the image.
8)Battle, only two players who play in two fields(4 x 13), one for each one. Each field contains 52 different pictures -like double game. Each player can open cards only from his field. One of them begin opening a card and the other one responds . If the two cards are similar, the second one wins the pair. Then the first player is changed.

Finally, when we have more than one player, one of them can be controlled by computer with 3 memory levels( a(goldfish)-> remember nothing, b(kangaroo)-> remember the half, c(elephant) -> remember everything )
8 years ago