Wade Neuwirth

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since Aug 22, 2002
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Recent posts by Wade Neuwirth

Originally posted by herb slocomb:
However, the client said I job hoopped too much since my last 2 positions lasted about 18 months, my current position 2 years, and the other job 3 years. Is that really job hopping or are these people just being insane in their requirements of looking for 15 different skill sets that you can only get by changing jobs every so often??

I also would like to know....I have been in the unfortunate position to have two lay-offs after a year and a year and a half long stints, then I did a little contracting and now I am here.
I WANT NOTHING MORE than to have a relatively stable longer term position.
My question is....HOW do you convey this to the company without bad mouthing everyone you have worked for in the past or padding your CV? I only list the things I have actually done and I always specify the level to which I know these products etc. I am something of a handyman myself. I have set up active directory for one client. I have setup JBoss/ Tomcat for another. I also am SCJP/OCP/MCP. 6 years exp. Unemployed 8 months.
I am starting to think IT professionals, students etc are going to get so disheartened they are going to change to doing something else. We all gotta eat.
[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: Wade Neuwirth ]
21 years ago
I can't believe how similar the stories are. Most recruiter's I have had the *ahem pleasure of working with have been all about the $$$. Filling the positions.
I understand it is a tough maket out there right now. I am currently doing whatever possible to get income. I am not the most experienced guy I know some. I have 6 years IT experience. I know a lot of "basic" Java (Servlets, JSP, Javabeans), a lot about Oracle and RDBMS, mySQL, MS SQL, Perl and PHP, some networking, a little *NIX and I have built and managed a lot of websites. Have built servers before. I have a lot of support, management and implementation experience, and a few years of development experience.
I apply to only those positions that I meet 85% or better but I find it very difficult to get any sort of answers out of the recruiters. I am sure they must have several resumes a piece. I can't afford to NOT send out an application for a position that may well be a good fit.
When the market was a golden child...way back then...the problem I had was recruiter's trying anything to fill the positions. They tried to send me to interviews that I was not qualified for and when I started asking questions about the position they would say the same type of thing about 'confidentiality'. I once wad sent to an interview for an 'Oracle Developer'. When I got there the position was actually for an Oracle CRM Specialist. I used to write reports for Oracle Financials but I had no right even being there. Once I learned of this I politely explained that there had been a slight mistake and did not waste anyone's time. The recruiter would not return my calls after that.
You have to find the hidden job market, I believe. I always try to come up with 10 company names a day that have a website. (Just do a Google search for your area of expertise and location). You go through one by one and see what positions are open. I find I apply to way more jobs that way then by using those recruiters. People with web sites list their openings. I don't know any company I have worked for that didn't advertise openings in multiple places.
I stopped using newgroups for a while because I hated all the spam they leave behind.
With all these hi-tech recruiters you'd think they could all streamline their applications filter by now. :roll:
21 years ago