Chen Lynn

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since Aug 26, 2002
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Thank everybody here,tough I have just been here for a short time,but I have read some articles from the javaranch Forum.I learn so much here,especially the Tips and MockExam.I just learn JAVA all by myself with javaranch!
I'm lucky to pass SCJP1.2,because we don't have an exam on SCJP1.4 here,though no very high 83% but i'am satisfied with it.
Here, I have something about SCJP exam for the friends who tend to join the exam in not an English country(cause I'm not).
Do be carefull when you'r in the exam,especially for the little word,like "not","invalid","valid","illegal",
"legal",Don't overlook on it,maybe it will make you trouble.
, when there is a option about Complie Error,you'd better pay more attendtion to it,maybe it will be a trap for you.
In a word,Be carefull and Be patient! You will get it!!
Good luck to everybody!!
21 years ago
congratulations! what a high score!
I hope i could have the score like yours!
21 years ago
I read several Books About JAVA,and some Mock Exam
I find SCJP treat reserved word as Keyword in many Papers.
21 years ago